Honourable Mr. Justice
Babar Sattar
Member IT Committee and Member of NJAC
Innovation, Excellence and Hard work
Member IT Committee and Member of NJAC
Member IT Committee
Engineer, Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD), Cisco Certified Network Administrator (CCNA), Oracle Certified Professional (OCP), Information Security Expert (MS-IS), PH.D (Information Security)* *continue..
umerrasheeddar@ihc.gov.pk; umerrasheeddar@gmail.com;Sr.# | NAME OF PROJECT/ APPLICATION | MAIN FEATURES / PURPOSE | STATUS | ||
1 | Case Flow Management System (CFMS) |
Maintains case information including
Note: Further development / improvement are also in progress as required by the Judicial Branches time to time. |
Installed and implemented in all the Judicial Branches over Local Area Network. |
2 | Information & Copying Desk |
Establishment of Information & Copying Desk is the implementation of the idea of one window operation. |
Two Modules of CFMS are installed and running successfully at the Info & Copy Desk, both counters are connected with Application & Database Server over Local Area Network. |
3 |
Electronic Case Alert Messaging System (eCAMS)
Emails / SMS |
The Electronics Case Alert Messaging System (eCAMS) has been implemented by the I.T. Department of this Court.
Successfully running, many more advocates have been registered with the eCAMS of IHC so far. |
4 | Case Law Management System (CLMS) |
Case Law Management System (CLMS) is a web-based application to collect, manage and make available the judgments & orders of the apex Courts. This Honourable Court has started the uploading of judgment & orders, the litigants can get / download the desired copy of judgments / order from |
CLMS has been linked on the website of this Court (i.e. www.ihc.gov.pk) and many Judgments & Orders, which are approved for reporting, have been uploaded by the IT department of this Court on test basis. |
5 | Case Record Management System (CRMS) |
Maintains information regarding disposed cases in the RKJ Branch. It has a search engine which helps the RKJ Branch in searching a case file by providing case no to CRMS. |
Installed and running successfully in RKJ Branch. RKJ will be connected soon with the Application & Database Server after completion of installation of networking. |
6 | Identity Section / E-Affidavit System |
The Identity Section has been established in this Court, which is equipped with the state of the art technology, including digital/web camera, biometric thumb scanner, CNIC bar code readers and computers. It is used to ensure the identity and physical presence of a deponent. The Barcode Reader installed at Counter No 1 to verify the particulars of CNIC of a deponent, at Counter No 2, thumb impression of a deponent will be obtained through biometric system, at Counter No 3, picture of a deponent will be taken and at Counter No 4, the deponent will have to sign the affidavit on which the verified particulars of CNIC, thumb impression and picture of a deponent are printed and this whole activity will be captured/recorded by a camera installed at Counter No 4. Establishment of Identity Section is in compliance with the directives of the National Judicial Policy Making Committee (NJPMC). Soon become functional. |
ID Section is ready to be operationalized. |
7 | Implementation of Case Flow Management System for District Courts (CFMS-DC) & Special Courts of ICT |
CFMS-DC stands for Case Flow Management System and DC for the District Courts. It is a web-based national-level, centralized software application to collect, manage and make accessible the details as well as consolidated case information of the District Courts of Pakistan. It takes input from the key stakeholders i.e. the Police, Prosecution, District Courts Bar Councils and Prisons of all the Provinces of Pakistan. The Case Monitoring Module is specifically designed for the NJPMC, LJCP, Chief Justices, MITs and the District & Sessions Judges to monitor the Court Cases, Police FIRs / Challans, Prosecution Opinion and Prisoners’ status online, anytime, and anywhere. Similarly, the Heads of the Police, Prosecution, Bar Councils and Prison Departments may also monitor their respective departments through their respective Monitoring Modules of this System. The CFMS-DC has been implemented successfully in both the Sessions Divisions of ICT as well as in Special Courts. |
The NJPMC, in its meeting held on April 27-28, 2012, had approved that the CFMS-DC shall be adopted by all the High Courts for their District Courts. |
8 | Operationalization of Institution Counter |
In order to facilitate the advocates / litigants regarding filing of cases / applications, an Institution Counter has already been established adjacent to the Information & Copying Desk. |
The Institution Counter has recently been operationalized. |
9 | Human Resource Management System (HRMS) |
Maintains personal information of Court staff and Judicial Officers including their transfer / postings, seniority, complaints, leaves, ACRs and Quarterly Reports etc. with Search Engine. |
HRMS Software has been developed & handed over to the Confidential Branch of this Court. |
10 | Proceeding Status of Court Cases |
Court proceeding status of cases is being uploaded on the website of this Honourable Court which shows the date wise proceeding of the day, litigants can get the latest information / updates of their cases by clicking on the link www.ihc.gov.pk/proceeding status of court cases. |
Fully functioning & daily Proceeding status of Court Cases uploaded on the official web site of this Court. |
11 | Complete Networking of two blocks with Optic Fiber Cables. |
Networking of 1st floor of Judicial Block of this Court was done in the year of 2011 to implement CFMS as short term plan. Complete Networking of this Honourable Court has been completed. |
The Complete Networking of two blocks under the scheme AJP “Automation of Islamabad High Court” has implemented/working. |
12 | Installation of Fiber Optic and Large TV Screens. |
Installation of Fiber Optic and Large TV Screens is completed, after installation of complete networking & Fiber Optic and Large TV Screens the Online Court Proceeding Module of CFMS will be operationalized. |
Fiber Optic has been laid down between the two blocks of this Court, further networking of cable for installation of Large TV Screens is completed. |
1 | Live streaming of court proceedings |
IT department of Islamabad High Court made a new beginning in the country by starting the live streaming of the court proceedings so that people can watch it live on official website of IHC. With this, the people across the country are able to watch their cases and important decisions of the court online on their TV and mobile screens at comfort of their places. Note: currently, Live streaming system of IHC is running on test basis. |
Litigant can access LIve Streaming System by IHC website www.ihc.gov.pk |
2 | Online Case Flow Management System |
Maintains case information on web including
Note: Further development / improvement are also in progress as required by the Judicial Branches time to time. |
Deployed on Wide Area Network. Litigant can access Online System by IHC website www.ihc.gov.pk |
3 | District Court CFMS |
Integrated case flow management system for district court.
Note: Further development / improvement are also in progress as required by the Judicial Branches time to time. |
Running successfully in all district courts. Only authorized user can use district court system. |
4 | Auto Notice Management System |
This new system would be great help to the judicial branches and would decrease the work burden of the officials of judicial branches. Notice Management System also helps office to keep auto generated notices/summons/letters record. NMS Generate notices automatically, intimate all stakholders by using different communication technology tools like electronic mail and text messaging systems |
System is successfully implemented in all judicial branches. | ||
5 | Online Complaint Cell (For Overseas Pakistanis) |
The Major Objectives of IHC Complaint Cell are as follows Easing of public approach to record their complaints Tackling of citizen complaints efficiently and systemically Follow-up at highest level and formulation / implementation of policies to overcome the common complaints at large. |
This new system is under construction. | ||
6 | Islamabad High Court Mobile App! |
IT department has designed and developed an App for Islamabad High Court and ICT district Judiciary. The objective of the mobile App is to disseminate information relating to the cases filed in the Islamabad High Court or District and Session Courts and to generate alerts whenever a new case is being instituted, fixed for hearing, notices/summon ,comments and short orders etc.
Applications are available on play store. | ||